Kazek Urbanczyk

New items on my pages

Tatra mountains 1998 - many photos

Tatra mountains 2000 - more photos

Tatra mountains 2000 - mini photos version

Texts in Polish only:
Family news
Catholic page
Astrology page
Notes and Writings
Podhale region & Tatra mountains

 Home page

Polish version - Wersja polska

Work in progress...

Advice and comments are most welcome !

Return mail: kazeku@poczta.onet.pl



Last changes: Jan 6, 2005

My Family and I :

Kazimierz (Kazek) Mikolaj URBANCZYK




Michal Wawrzyniec




Michał & Puszek

Work: CHEMKOP - Research and Development Centre for Mining of Chemical Raw Materials, Cracow, Poland

Position: Chief specialist, computer modelling

Profession: Physics-geology-mining-computer science and more ?

Last field: Process of salt dissolution in water


1977 - D.Sc. in applied geology - groundwater dynamics - Faculty of Prospecting Geology, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow
1972 - Post-graduate Studies in Data Processing Systems, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow
1967 - M.Sc. in Physics - Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
1962 - Maturity exam - The August Witkowski V Liceum (secondary school), Cracow
1958 - Completion of Primary music-oriented school in Cracow (the main instrument - violin)

Interesting titbits from c.v.:

Born (Birth place): Cracow
Childhood: Poznań
Youth and after: Cracow
last years: Zielonki near Cracow

1950-1972 - mostly in the Podhale region (Koscielisko) and Polish Tatra mountains
1962-1969 - active in Student Association of Mountain Guides, Tatra team, Cracow
1965-1967 - rock climbing courses and an episode in the Polish Alpine Club
1960-1971 - member of Highland-Folk Ansamble HYRNI / SKALNI
1970-1975 - folk singing at Adam Macedonski's Folk Studio

New items on my pages

Tatra mountains 1998- many photos
Tatra mountains 2000 - more photos
Tatra mountains 2000 - mini photos version